Have questions? We've got answers.

Find answers to your most common State Farm® online servicing questions.

General insurance

The State Farm toll-free customer service number is 855-733-7333855-733-7333.

You can contact us at 800-782-8332800-782-8332.

For calls during business hours, your call will be directed to an agent near you. For calls after-hours and on weekends, your call will be directed to a Customer Care Center representative. Spanish-speaking representatives are available by calling 877-274-0543877-274-0543 .

No. A policy number is an alpha-numeric code unique to each individual policy at State Farm. An account number is a 10-digit number associated with a State Farm Payment Plan (SFPP).

If you have questions about your policy or payment plan, please contact your agent.

Online accounts

Your user ID and password is created during registration. If you have already registered online, you may use the Forgot User ID and/or Forgot Password links on letaoyizs.com®.

For security reasons, each letaoyizs.com online account can only be listed in one name and date of birth. Each named insured on the policy may register their individual online account.

If you receive this message when trying to access your policy, please contact your agent.

Yes. Online capabilities are available to our customers with small business and organizational policies. Find more information about online capabilities in the Business & Organizations FAQs. Please contact your agent to link your business or organization to your personal account.

You can find the declarations page in the Document Center. Note, it might also be called a policy notice. If you don’t see these, you can use a renewal notice instead.

If you still need help locating a document, your agent is the best person to help you.

You can view, print, and email a new insurance card or request a mailed ID card online.

To request an ID card, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your online account on letaoyizs.com.
  2. Above the vehicle description, click the Auto Policy.
  3. Click Request Insurance Cards.
  4. Indicate how you want to receive your insurance cards and if you need cards for additional vehicles.
  5. Click Submit.

To view, print, or email an ID card, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your online account on letaoyizs.com.
  2. Select the Auto policy for the ID card.
  3. On the Auto Policy Information page, click View/Print Documents.
    • The Document Center will open an "ID Card" electronic document.
    • You can view, print, or email the ID card.

If you're a new policyholder that purchased a policy online, you can download temporary insurance cards and your Auto Insurance Binder in the My Accounts page secure message mailbox or through the confirmation email sent to you. The temporary insurance card is available for 30 days after policy purchase.

Note: You can also contact your State Farm agent for a new identification card.

Yes. You may request changes to your coverages online and they will be forwarded to your agent for processing.

To request changes, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Select the policy you want to change.
  3. Click Quote/Change Coverages.
  4. Select the coverages you would like to change and click Continue.
  5. Review changes and click Continue to approve.
  6. Enter Contact Information and click Continue.
  7. Review changes and click Submit.

You can only request to add a driver online. From there, the request will be sent to your agent for processing.

To request an added driver to your account, follow these steps:

  1. Log into your account.
  2. Select the policy you want to change.
  3. Click Add a Driver.
  4. Enter the new driver information and click Continue.
  5. Enter Additional Information and click Continue.
  6. Enter Contact Information and click Continue.
  7. Review request and click Submit.

It could take up to 24 hours for a payment made in your agent's office to reflect online. If it has been over 24 hours, please contact your agent.

Internet applications on letaoyizs.com are compatible with all current and some past versions of most Internet browsers, including: Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, and Mozilla Firefox.

Billing & payments

For online policy access, complete the registration process. Once registration is complete, you'll have access to all available policies and account information within 48 hours.

Once you've registered, you'll be able to:

  • View your current insurance bills
  • Submit electronic payments
  • View bill and payment history
  • Choose email notifications of your billing statements
  • Stop paper bill delivery for SFPP accounts
  • And much more

  • You must be listed as a policy owner/accountholder on the policy/account to view and pay your policy online.
  • Billing info is shown for policies and accounts once a bill is issued. You can find information for any new policies and billing accounts on the billing & payment history page.
  • If you are not a policy owner/accountholder currently, you can reach out to your agent if you'd like to be added.

Use the Payment Center link to access your account. Enter your letaoyizs.com user ID and password to login. You will be directed to your billing and payment information.

We offer an option to receive email notifications when your electronic bills are ready. To start or stop email notices, follow these steps:

  1. Login to your letaoyizs.com account.
  2. In the upper right-hand corner, click the dropdown arrow and select Profile & Preferences.
  3. Select Communication Settings dropdown arrow to choose your billing preferences.
  4. Indicate Yes or No for Insurance bill reminders and Insurance policy updates.
  5. Under contact information, verify your email address and update it as needed.

There are a few reasons why you might not see your bill:

  • A bill notice has not yet been prepared for this policy, payment plan, or billing account.
  • You may have already paid your bill or a scheduled payment is pending. You can check on the billing & payment history page.
  • The policy moved to a billing account and could take up to three business days before it's visible online.
  • You aren’t named on the policy.
  • You aren’t listed as an accountholder on the payment plan or billing account.
  • The policy isn’t enabled for online viewing or can’t be viewed or paid online. This includes Life Recurring Monthly accounts and some notices that include a Renewal Coverage Offer.

We accept Electronic Funds Transfers (EFT) from your checking, money market, or savings accounts and Visa®, MasterCard®, American Express®, and Discover® cards.

Approved payment methods will be noted in Payment Methods.

  • We’ll process your payment on the date you selected. If the date falls on a weekend or holiday, we’ll process the payment the next business day.
  • Funds are generally withdrawn from your bank account one business day after we process the payment. In most cases, financial card charges complete the same day we process the payment.
  • Authorized payments appear online within 24 hours, but since payments are processed nightly Monday through Friday, amounts due on your billing & payment history page and Policy Details page may not show payments for up to two business days.
  • If you are trying to confirm an automatic payment/autopay, we’ll process your payment on the payment date you selected. If the payment date falls on a weekend or holiday, we’ll process your payment the next business day.
  • You can also view your payment on the billing & payment history page.
  • To verify the account your automatic payments will process from, you can go to Payment Center and scroll down to Payment Methods to find the bank account or debit or credit card you use for your AutoPay method.

To make a payment, you can either:

  • Login to your online account.
  • In the Account summary section of My Accounts, click Make a payment or Pay in advance in the Upcoming bills tile.
  • Tap the Make a Payment button next to the bill you want to pay.
  • Follow the prompts to select your payment amount, date, and method. Then submit your payment.


Most payments, regardless of how they are received, display on the billing & payment history page.

Duplicate payments are defined as: two or more payments made on the same insurance policy or State Farm Payment Plan (SFPP) account, for the same dollar amount, and processed on the same business day.

To minimize the impact to you, State Farm handles duplicate payments as follows:

  • Only one payment is processed if multiple payments are made using the same bank account and submitted within 15 minutes of each other.
  • Payments are processed if different bank accounts or credit cards are used for each payment.
  • Payments are processed if one or more credit cards are used. If only one credit card is used and the payments are submitted on the same calendar day, you are contacted by email and given instructions on how to receive a refund if the duplicate payment was not intended.

To start or stop paperless billing notices, follow these steps:

  • Login to your letaoyizs.com account.
  • In the upper right-hand corner, click the dropdown menu and select Profile & Preferences.
  • Select Communication Settings dropdown menu to choose your billing preferences.
  • Next to Insurance bill statements, select email to receive paperless billing notices or paper to receive paper bills.
  • Under contact information, verify your email address and update it as needed.

  • Please contact your agent if you have questions about your bills, payments or renewal coverage offers.
  • If you are logged in, your agent's phone number and email are available on the My Accounts page in the lower right-hand corner of the page.
  • You can find your agent's phone number and email on your bill.

You will receive two separate numbers for your policy. Your policy number represents a specific policy (such as State Farm Business Car Policy). The billing account number is used specifically for billing and payment activity related to your policy(ies).

State Farm is implementing a new billing system to replace our existing billing system. This new system offers more customer options for you to receive and pay your bill. Over time, all of your policies will migrate to the new account. However, that process will take time.

State Farm is implementing a new billing system to replace our existing billing system. Your billing agreement explains the specifics of your State Farm billing account. No additional action is required on your part.

Due to federal regulation requirements regarding electronic funds transfers, we (State Farm) must receive consent before funds are withdrawn from your account.

  • We offer a similar payment frequency in our new billing system called Pay Half.  You can pay half when your policy renews and then half-way through the policy, you can pay the other half.  
  • If you like this option, you can make a payment frequency change by logging into your letaoyizs.com account (Change payment schedule) or contacting your Agent.

Agent selection

Yes. You can log on to your Policies and Accounts, and click "Change Agent" located on the left below your agent's photo. Most changes take effect within five to seven business days.

No. If you don't have an agent or haven't selected an agent, one will be assigned to you for all State Farm quotes, policies, and accounts.

Yes. You can have a different agent assigned to each State Farm policy and account.

A list of agents is available in the left margin of the Quote and Application page. To search additional agents, select Find a Different Agent. Once selected, a new page will launch where you can enter additional search criteria.

A specific agent may not display because they're currently not licensed and authorized to solicit or service the type of policy that you're interested in purchasing.

If you don't select an agent, one will be assigned to you for all of your State Farm policies and accounts.

The agent saved in the quote will still be the assigned agent. For saved quotes, you will not have to reselect an agent.

Yes. You can choose any State Farm agent who is licensed and authorized to service the selected product in your state.

You can change agents throughout the quoting, application, and purchasing process.

Online access

Registration is easy and takes about five minutes. Go to letaoyizs.com and click Register.

To get started, you need:

  • At least one State Farm product
  • A valid email address